For questions about Life Book contact Tam or Gracie on willowing.arts AT (or leave a comment below).
“Life Book, a celebration and honouring of YOU”
is a year-long mixed media art class
organised by Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts.
Tam is joined by 25 incredible art teachers who are all gearing up to share their mixed media techniques, tips and tricks with YOU! Themed around self-development and healing, you'll be creating several loose mixed media art journal pages per month which by the end of the year you will bind into a glorious journal (a Life Book)! You will have a wonderful keepsake that you can treasure for the rest of your life!
Hello dear one! My name is Tam! Thank you for stopping by and checking out the Life Book information. Life Book is SUCH a precious project to me, I pour my be-end all into this baby. Let me tell you all about it. It's kinda an offer you can't refuse I'm sure! Nearly 2800 wonderful people joined us on Life Book last year (and over 5000+ people have joined it since its inception in 2012!), it's been an incredible experience (it's still going as we speak).
People have learned so much! They've created such beautiful art work and they've been so brave when digging deeper into some of the personal development exercises! I receive uplifting emails almost daily from participants telling me how Life Book has enriched their lives. I'm so honoured and blessed to be the host of this fantabulous course each year. I count my lucky stars every day!
In a nutshell, this is the Incredible Life Book offer:
◙ 9 In depth Mixed Media Art Lessons by me: Tam
◙ 25 In depth Mixed Media Art Lessons by Spectacular Guest Teachers
(see below who the 2015 guest teachers are)
◙ 18 (Smaller) Bonus Activities like: extra PDF prompts & step by steps/ artist interviews/ ATC swaps/ give aways/ audio meditations/ writing prompts etc by Tam & Guest Teachers
Watch the promotional video for information and a dose of 'happy' ;)
So basically you continue to receive creative inspiration and prompts WEEKLY (without fail, every week there is something for you to enjoy) and all that for ONLY £75 GBP or approx $120 USD (the course content is valued at over $1000+ so you get a year filled with incredible lessons and inspiration for only a fraction of the retail price, is that awesome or awesome?) There is no catch here, just me and a bunch of awesome other artists wanting you to have access to a 'library' of inspiring & educational art lessons and personal development tools that help you enrich your life. Simple as that. :) I personally believe that practising self care through art & self enquiry creates happier people and happier people equals a better world (happy people are nice to others and spread light and goodness! and sometimes: muffins!!!). :-)
I'm so excited about all the fantastic contributions this year! We have a range of truly incredible artists contributing their wisdom, light, beauty and artistic talent to the course, people like Alisa Burke, Jessica Swift, Flora Bowley and Donna Downey are only a handful of the amazing teachers contributing to Life Book 2015! (Scroll down to read about the entire teacher line up for LB2015!!)
Isn't this just awesome? Of course, I am totally biased, but if I came across an offer like this myself: I would jump at the chance! Not only because you can download all the videos which means that even if you fall behind or if you can't participate for a while, you can revisit the lessons at your own time in the future should you want to. :)
Exciting right? :-) Of course, I am totally biased, but if I came across an offer
like this myself: I would jump at the chance! Not only because you can download all the videos
which means that even if you fall behind or if you can't participate
for a while, you can revisit the lessons at your own time in the future
should you want to. :)
I get daily letters from Life Book participants letting me know Life Book has enriched their lives. I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to provide a program that truly helps people feel better about themselves!
But let me stop gushing and let some of the Life Book students have their say.
Praise for Life Book by current (gorgeous) Participants
✻ Pepi Valderrama, Spain says: "If you want to have fun, laugh, meditate, discover yourself, and find parts of you you didn't know existed within you, you have to be part of the tribe! Life Book is more than just some art lessons, is a journey we make with people around the world, all together, with joy and creativity. We are like a family who shares art, life experiences and warmth. There is more than art in Life Book!
✻ Maryann Covington, Kent, UK says: "An amazing opportunity to learn loads of techniques from loads of different teachers within a really supportive lovely community, for an incredible price."
✻ Kim McKinstry, Lumberton, Tx USA says: "An excellent opportunity to learn from a large variety of teachers, explore and connect with thousands of artist online, and the best thing I have found, so far, to give me the confidence I need to move forward with my own ideas."
✻ Nicole Jones, Tennessee, USA: "Life Book is an incredible mixed media art course taught by an eclectic group of talented artists. You get to spend the year playing with all sorts of materials, working in different styles and learning new techniques. The Life Book community, teachers and students alike, is filled with warm, welcoming and supportive people who are always there to offer encouragement and guidance. It has been such a fun and rewarding experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone. I am a better artist and a happier person for having been part of Life Book!"
✻ Jill Holmes, Brunswick, GA USA says: "One of the best, year-long art motivations that one can purchase on the internet. The variety of techniques and teachings are amazing and it is a very good value for the money involved to participate."
✻ Nia Bennison Maple Ridge, BC USA says: "Life changing!"
✻ Sharon from Bristol UK says: "It is the best e-course I have ever taken (and I've taken a lot) sure can't beat it anywhere!"
✻ Rosa from USA, Oroville, CA says: "Lifebook is a weekly commitment to art journaling. There are so many wonderful and varied teachers from around the world. You can work at your on pace and on your own schedule. The Lifebook community is so supportive and encouraging of each other's work. There is so much that can be learned technically and spiritually. You can participate as much or as little as you wish. But the more you put into Lifebook, the more you will get out of it. It's absolutely the best online class I have ever taken!"
✻ Marsha Mees, California, CA. USA says: "Unbelievable! An art lesson every week, 52 weeks of creativity! Lifebook feeds my creative soul. Meeting new people, new artists, making new friends, creating art, what more could you ask for. All this for such a great price!!! Who doesn't want to create in their Jammie's"
* Kim Margarit Canada says: "Be prepared to have your socks knocked off! It's FUN, it's so SELF-FULFILLING & GRATIFYING. You'll grow as an artist & find that with all the fun stuff, that your heart is opened more as well. That with all of Tam's love & positive messages, it changes you little by little in such a delightful way. I feel blessed to be a part of LifeBook & know of it's magical powers to transform."
Life Book - More Information and Teacher Line Up!
How does Life Book work?
Once you have sent payment through you will be added to a private group on the willowing.ning site and you will be invited to join the Life Book Facebook & Flickr Groups. Each week a new lesson is posted in the ning group. You will be notified by email every Monday that a new lesson is up. You will find download instructions in the lesson thread.
You can then watch the lessons at your own time at home, do your work and share your work in the groups (should you want to - it's not necessary to share your work if you do not want to). You can create your paintings on single pages which by the end of the year will be bound into a book, a Life Book :) Sounds exciting no? :)
How are the lessons structured?
Tam will provide 10 mixed media lesson throughout the year which will be posted on every 1st Monday of the month and this year there are 25 contributing mixed media teachers who will each provide a lesson for a month they've been assigned to (these lessons will be posted each 3rd and 4th Monday of the month).
In addition there will be extra things happening the other weeks: artist interviews to inspire you, journal prompts to encourage you, extra art exercises, meditations, ATC swaps, art tips and tricks, give-aways you name it! This course will be overflowing with lessons, inspiration and stuff to keep you busy the whole year!!
You will become part of a thriving, buzzing, creative community with opportunities to make new connections, learn many new mixed media styles and techniques and make new arty friends!
You will be able to:
- Download all class materials to your machine, keep them forever
- Learn many new mixed media techniques and styles
- Grow and develop both personally and artistically
- Receive extra inspiration, like PDF worksheets, art journal prompts, free uplifting affirmation jpegs (for you to print and hang up), give aways, artist interviews etc!
- Connect with like-minded creative people
- Make new artistic connections
- Become part of a buzzing/ thriving art community for a whole year!
About Tam's Life Book Lessons
Tam provides completely new (unseen) lessons to Life Book each year (there are no repeat lessons apart from the binding videos posted in December. Though the lessons are new each year, techniques that were covered in previous years may be repeated. Tam's Life Book lessons become available in a self study group once the Life Book year is finished.
Life Book 2015 Yearly Class Schedule
Download the yearly class schedule by clicking on the image or link below. Please note that we will all work towards sticking to the schedule though please allow for some wriggle room in that sometimes unexpected things happen in life and some classes might be changed last minute (this doesn't happen much at all, but please assume this can happen).
Basic Supply List
Click on the image to download the basic suggested supply list for the course. Please be aware, this is a suggested list that will help you get started, but you won't necessarily need to buy every single thing on the list, certain materials can easily be replaced with other ones that you already have. So if you are on a budget, don't go crazy buying all the supplies. Throughout the year different teachers may introduce you to new materials as well. It's never compulsory to buy all the materials used on the course (of course not!), I'd say: see how you go throughout the year and if you see a teacher use something you really really love, then go buy it, but you don't need to 'arm' yourself with a house full of supplies you may not continue using in the future!
Who can sign up to Life Book? I haven't ever done any art, can I join too?
Darling, OF COURSE YOU CAN! Life Book is for EVERYONE! :) Sure, the course will be easier if you've done some art already, but don't deprive yourself of learning the awesome magic making and healing power of art just because you haven't done it before! The course is suitable for beginners/ intermediates and masters alike! Everyone will get something different out of the course. The course is run in an open, supportive, inclusive and encouraging environment where you can play, experiment, make a 'fool' of yourself and start all over again! There will be no judgement, we will only love you and encourage you! :) All lessons are conducted in such a way that you can follow the tutors step by step, so you can do what they do, and if that bores you, then you can go totally off the rails and do your own thing inspired by their lesson! Sounds good? :) You are loved and welcome here, no matter what skill level, for serious! :D xoxoox
Things to consider before joining:
Life Book is all about "inclusivity" and welcomes every person no matter gender, ethnicity, religious background or age. That said, the course might not be suitable for you if:
What do I need and need to know in order to join Life Book 2015?
Darling, OF COURSE YOU CAN! Life Book is for EVERYONE! :) Sure, the course will be easier if you've done some art already, but don't deprive yourself of learning the awesome magic making and healing power of art just because you haven't done it before! The course is suitable for beginners/ intermediates and masters alike! Everyone will get something different out of the course. The course is run in an open, supportive, inclusive and encouraging environment where you can play, experiment, make a 'fool' of yourself and start all over again! There will be no judgement, we will only love you and encourage you! :) All lessons are conducted in such a way that you can follow the tutors step by step, so you can do what they do, and if that bores you, then you can go totally off the rails and do your own thing inspired by their lesson! Sounds good? :) You are loved and welcome here, no matter what skill level, for serious! :D xoxoox
Things to consider before joining:
Life Book is all about "inclusivity" and welcomes every person no matter gender, ethnicity, religious background or age. That said, the course might not be suitable for you if:
- You are under the age of 18 - it is recommended that children and teenagers do the course with a parent or custodian mainly because of the personal development element of the course. (Many parents have done the course with their teenage or younger children, if you have questions about this pls email us on willowing.arts AT
- If you are bothered by references that are more 'new age/ "woo woo"' in nature. We may refer to concepts such 'the inner goddess', 'the muse', "Intuition", "Shamanism", "Mandalas", "Crystals", "Yoga", "Sacred Ritual", "Being Here Now" etc.
- If you strongly do not enjoy or if you do not want to be exposed to personal development/ healing concepts (though these sections can be skipped)
- If you are hoping that each lesson will present a completely new technique and that no technique is ever repeated. Each lesson is fresh and newly created by each teacher, BUT we all work in the same field, so we will likely overlap with some techniques here and there. That doesn't mean you don't learn anything new because we all do something different with each technique, each teacher has their own unique style and creates amazing work, just be aware that some techniques may overlap or that some styles are similar.
- If you hope that Life Book can be the sole treatment for an existing mental health issue (Life Book can be used in support of a therapy treatment, but should not be used as the only treatment for a mental health issue.)
- If you don't like drawing faces/ portraits. Though all lessons are different and many lessons will not include drawing/ painting a face, expect approx 30-40% of the lessons to include a face of some sorts (either attached to a little whimsical body or as an actual portrait by itself). The rest of the lessons can include: abstract shapes, natural shapes (flowers/ trees etc), animals, landscapes including houses etc.
What do I need and need to know in order to join Life Book 2015?
- You will need a highspeed internet connection to be able to download and the videos. If you have a slower connection you can stream the videos online and/ or learn through the PDFs, but the best option is to have a highspeed internet connection.
- It will be helpful to have a basic understanding of IT, like reading emails, navigating sites like Facebook and flickr etc. If you're having trouble with some IT related stuff some help can be given, but in depth IT guidance cannot be given.
- If you are planning on downloading and keeping the videos you will need to make sure you have "a few" gigabites available. Each video can be between 200 - 900 MB in size. Multiply that by at least 32 lessons and you can see you'll need quite a bit of space! I recommend you get an additional external hard drive on to which you can download all the lessons. Unfortunately I am unable to offer the entire class on DVD/ CD (it would be at least 20 DVDs).
- Be aware that you will have access to the Life Book content until the end of January 2016, so make sure you download what you want throughout the year, DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE, because the content will really disappear after Jan 31st 2016.
- With regards to the personal development exercises: please understand that none of the art teachers on the course are qualified psychotherapists or psychologists. Therefore if you are prone to depression or if you think you might be triggered through one of the healing exercises it's important that you only embark upon the healing exercises knowing that you have an adequate support system around in the form of friends, family and/or a therapist to help you deal with painful stuff should this happen. Though there will be an 'emotional support thread' on the course available, the teachers and I are not able to provide you with in depth emotional support (as much as we would want to!)
- This course should not be considered a substitute or a replacement for face-to-face therapy. It is designed to help and encourage the participant to love and accept themselves more fully through personal development exercises and connecting with their inner creative nature. Participants who suffer from any kind of mental health issues are advised to seek the help from mental health professionals. Life Book can be used as a supplement to any therapy treatment, but should not be used as a main form of treatment for any mental health issues.
- The course is not based on any specific religious faith but may refer to and base lessons on and around 'non-dual' teachings. The course is inclusive of every human being regardless of their chosen faith (or non-faith). The theme focus of the course is 'self-development/ self-love/ self-healing'. We may refer to concepts such as: "The Goddess in You", "Intuition", "Shamanism", "Mandalas", "Crystals", "Yoga", "Sacred Ritual", "Being Here Now" etc.

Who are the awesome artists contributing to Life Book?
Hold on to your seats, guys, we have yet another fantastic line-up!! :D
I am so privileged and honoured, excited and joyful to have the following amazing artists contribute their skill, time, knowledge and energy to Life Book 2015. Download this PDF to read about this awesome group of teachers!

Alisa Burke -
Alena Hennessy -
Andrea Gomoll -
Andrea Schroeder -
Chris Zydel -
Danielle Donaldson -
Effy Wild -
Flora Bowley -
Jane Davenport -
Jeanne Oliver - http://www.
Jenny Doh - crescendoh
Jenny Lee Wentworth - http://jennyleewentworth.
Jessica Swift -
Jill K. Berry -
Joanne Sharpe - http://joannezsharpe.blogspot.
Juliette Crane -
Kristin van Valkenburgh - http://www.
Lynzee Lynx -
Mati Rose McDonough -
Patti Ballard -
Rachael Rice -
Roben Marie Smith -
Violette Clark -
Lynn Whipple -
Donna Downey -
More Praise for Life Book!
“I always thought my creativity and abilities would not be enough to paint anything worthwile. I started life book, learned so many differend methods and developed so much personally and artistically that I now think about starting a creative business! When I really look at my life I always wanted to do something creative and didn´t have the guts... I thought I was not skilled, creative, good enough even to try! Life book changed that feeling and my art skilles about 180°! (Thank you, Tam!!!) It makes you stretch out of your comfort zone and makes you reach for the stars - and you will reach at least the moon! :-)” - Leila Freiburg (a.k.a."Amy"); Germany
“An amazing course that spans a whole year, and has lessons from some amazing artists that have really inspired me to try new techniques.” - Monique Green, Surrey (UK)
“It's a fantastic self-paced course with world wide, well known instructors teaching methods in a way that anyone can create great works of art. The course also helps to expand the mind opening the door to creative thoughts that have been dormant in some and locked in others. With visual instruction along with readable content and available help 24/7 makes it THE online art course to enroll in! “ - Connie Foster Bissell - Marshfield, MO USA
“Life Book is a wonderful, Year Long, Art course. With new lessons by different teachers each week. It's fun, and challenging, and it's full of amazing techniques, I'm learning about new to me mediums, which is great! And there's a personal development aspect too, which I love. There is so much to it and it's very reasonably priced .... it's exciting and wonderful! And at the end of the year all these pieces of art you created will be bound into an amazing book. You get lots of support and encouragement... and help when you need it. And you work at your own pace. "WOW" ....I really LOVE Life Book! ;) “ - Phoebe Thibault-Sherrard, in Kitchener, Ontario
“I am taking this amazing year long art class. It has so much information to learn and is so incredible. I can't recommend it enough!” - Stacie Spencer,New Market, Maryland USA
“There's this GREAT class called Lifebook, available on-line! The cost is affordable...and it is so nice to have something to look forward to each week. You can work at your own pace, you can download information if you choose. The teachers are varied in style & lessons vary in content so there really is something for everyone. I've LOVED being part of this experience!” - Patricia Bleecher, MA., USA
Oh my Lord, I was not going to do Life Book in 2015 but, but, but, some of my favorite artists and friends are on the list of teachers. I hope this will help me to rebuild my confidence and grow to not care so much what others think and just start to have fun again. Tam, Thanks so much for pulling this line up together, I am truly in love and grateful to you. Blessings and love to you
ReplyDeleteyou did it again tam............making 2015 an awesome year to look forward to. you bring so much light and love into everyone you touch. you are an angel on earth with so much talent as both an artist and singer. you are a one of a very special kind of person. there is only one awesome YOU.....and i am so proud and happy to be one small part of life book. thank you for everything you do for so many of us, making the world a much better place. with many hugs and much love. xoxoxoxo lura
ReplyDeleteLife Book 2015 looks AWESOME! I look forward to participating this year :)
ReplyDeleteOH GEE!!!! I've always wanted to take one of Your classes.It would be a dream-so lovely-so fun. Would make My year so exciting :)
ReplyDeleteLifebook is totally new to me, and i already loving it.
ReplyDeleteThis so Great :)
ReplyDeleteIs it already the 1st of january '15, i want to start!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous lineup for 2015!!! Yay!!The best to you all!
ReplyDeletelifebook 2015 will be my 3rd year - loving the adventure!
ReplyDeleteNow I really do need to pull my finger out and get the LB2014 lessons finished before the end of the year!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to take a lesson from you. I imagine I'll be in LB 2015 one way or another despite shrinking resources on the home front! I must say, it would make it a whole lot easier to wi a space ... Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited!!!!!! I can't wait to see if I win a spot on Life Book. I hope this is the place to through my hat into the ring. Crossing my fingers!!!!! ;))
ReplyDeleteSeems a very interesting journey, packed full of ideas and techniques.
ReplyDeleteI am in it to win it! My lesson to learn is I cannot keep up, and that is OK................... xox :)
ReplyDeleteIN IT TO WIN i did 2014 and loved every minute....hope I can win this! what a treat!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWould love the opportunity to be able to do Life Book 2015. I have heard good things about it and would love to be a part of this next year.
ReplyDeleteThe invitation to Lifebook 2015 journeying together with such amazing creative tribe of teachers and especially you - Tam guiding us into light spaces & dark corners and back out again would be steeped in holy grace and valued meaning for me as I work another layer of leaning into loss around the death of my sweet son. I am deep gratitude and appreciation
ReplyDeleteI'm super excited about this class. SUPER excited!
ReplyDeleteI will love to jump on the adventure that it will be joining Life book!
ReplyDeleteWould love to WIN A SEAT for Life Book 2015
ReplyDeleteThis is just amazing. So many followers of Life Book. I would love to participate in LB2015 from all the amazingly talented teachers. I think at the end I might be able to finally say "Yes, I am an artist". Thank You
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for another year long art class. This sounds perfect. I will share with my friends to see if anyone would like to take the course with me. Sounds great!
ReplyDeleteWonderful! What a great way to be inspired!
ReplyDeleteSuch fabulous teachers, Tam. I'm so looking forward!
ReplyDeleteWaiting checking waiting checking.........I'm obsessed..... ; )
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love Life Book!
ReplyDeleteCan not wait to take Life Book 2015. Great teachers! Lots to learn!
ReplyDeleteTx sooo much for offering this awesome class! Can't wait, aloha, angi in hana
ReplyDeleteIt looks amazing. I love the teachers you are including.
ReplyDeleteLooking to leave a comment on Alena blog for the chance to win lifebook 2015... me looked and looked...
ReplyDeleteI am so excited to this new year, last year was outstanding.. I can't even express my gratitude for the brilliant
work shared and amazing inspiration given.
Hi, I am a photographer. When I was a child I love to draw & color. But in school I wasn't put in any art classes. I loved music, dance & art put was under to experience as a child. In college I was driven to course to make living. So know is my think explore & of course I have a limited budget. I sounds wonderful!
ReplyDeleteOh! What a lineup you have for teachers! I really hope to be able to do this, circumstances allowing.
ReplyDeleteExcited for the great lineup of teachers. 2015 will not get here soon enough.
ReplyDeleteI saw there are 25 artists, but only 22 lessons? are some of the teachers collaborating?
ReplyDeleteHi Melissa, Gracie here in the Willowing office - hello! Sorry about that! It's a typo! We're changing it now, thank you for noticing! :) With Life Book 2015 you will be getting:
Delete◙ 9 In depth Mixed Media Art Lessons with Tam
◙ 25 In depth Mixed Media Art Lessons by the Spectacular Guest Teachers
◙ 20 (Smaller) Bonus Activities like: extra PDF prompts & step by steps/ artist interviews/ ATC swaps/ give aways/ audio meditations/ writing prompts etc by Tam & Guest Teachers
Hope to see you there! :) x
Would love win this. It would be awesome to play along with such talented ladies.
ReplyDeleteHave really enjoyed this year with Lifebook, it has truly been life changing for me. Can't wait to see what is in store for next year!!
ReplyDeleteThis would be perfect, life changes and I need to find out where I fit now. I would love to be apart of the journey
ReplyDeleteMy life is undergoing huge changes now. I'd like to dance the dance with other people from the same hive.
ReplyDeleteWarm wishes
Honestly, I have never done lifebook before, and it is such a huge dream of mine. I would be so honored to be gifted a spot. I know I would expend my artist expression so beautifully.
ReplyDeleteMany blessing
this is all new to me..sounds wonderful..i would love to win this fabulous opportunity!!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing opportunity for someone to receive this.....sharing and spreading ART LOVE!
ReplyDeleteI want to do an art journal. And I want it to be artistic and original!!
ReplyDeleteSounds great - fingers crossed to win. Thanks for the chance
ReplyDeleteThis is a serious itch that needs to be explored....
Dreams really can come true! Me pretty please with a cherry on top!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing way this would be to begin the new year! Looks amazing and I would love to win!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if there is still an opportunity to win a space in this awesome class, but if there is, may I be considered? I actually signed up and paid for the 2012 class, but due to health issues and emergencies caring for my elderly mom, I was unable to participate or even download the classes. I have always regretted it. Now I no longer can afford the tution (although I know the price is extremely reasonable for what you offer!) so I am hoping to receive a miracle and win a spot. Thank you for the chance.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting! I'm really very curious and very interested.You never know how I can use it in teh Netherlands.
ReplyDeletethis looks like a great line-up of classes! I really wish that you weren't 3,000 miles away, as I would love to take some classes from you!!
ReplyDeleteSo many amazing artists to guide the journal of self-awareness!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm all signed up plus WOW and so if I win a spot I'll just have to give it away. Love you, Tam! You're so amazing!
ReplyDeleteSounds fab! I'm interested in the Rainbow Package. If I signed up now, when would I have access to the mini courses? Now or also only 1 Jan 2015?
ReplyDeleteThanks Chantel! You'll get access to the mini courses from the day you sign up. :)
DeleteOooh thanks Tam! Now which ones to pick!!!
ReplyDeleteI’m interested in taking your course, but I’m not an artist and have no idea how to draw or anything. Would you recommend this course for a beginner or should I pass?
Hi Luisa, Life Book is good for beginner artists as we all show you how we create our lessons from beginning to end. I'd give it a go! :) x
DeleteHello. I am very intrigued by this class, but have never worked with paints and other medium that you describe, though I am very creative and do a lot of scrapping. I am drawn to your life works of self-improvement also. How long is the registration open for? I would love to join but am on a very limited income and wouldn't be able to until the end of the year possibly. Thank you.
ReplyDeletehi there! registration is open until sept 30th 2015, so you have some time to decide. there is a lot of overlap between the mixed media and scapbooking world and if you're creative and ready to take the leap i think you'll enjoy this type of course. it's suitable for beginners, we show you how to create a page from beginning to end. we also offer personalised payment plans (like pay monthly ones), email us on willowing.arts AT if you're interested in those. hope to see you there! love, Tam