Heeeeeey-hoooooo! :)
I do so love my job you guys, because I get to give away so many goodies to you lovelies. :) Eeee! And I get to make pretty art and show you!
(BTW, another give-away is coming up next week, I'll be giving away one of Claudine Hellmuth's classes, or well, a space on one of her classes, excitement! woohoo!). LOL, it's give-away central around here lol! :)
But today, I want to introduce you to a new product by Artistcellar! They make awesome stencils (hem hem, I designed some too for them, go check them out here for UK/ Europe, here for US/ Canada/ S.America, here for Australia/ Asia/ Africa) and they've come out with a really nifty new stencil idea: yes yes, they are: POCKET STENCILS! :) So cute, so handy, so versatile! :D Easy to take out and about for your journal, super duper fun! :)
I made this beautiful Chakra Girl with some of the Chakra Stencils:

and filmed it too, wahay! :) Wanna watch the making of? :) Go for it->
Materials used in video: Mechanical Pencil by Pentel (Graphgear 1000) lead: 2b, size: 0.9, Watersoluble Crayons (Neocolor II), Brayer, White Gesso, White Acrylics, Posca Pen White, Skin Tone Acrylics, Aquamarkers (mouth and shading), Modelling Paste (Galeria/ Winsor & Newton), Golden High Flow Acrylics (Diarylide Yellow) for the dots), Blending Stump, Collage Papers (random).
Here are some more close ups (took these photos in a dark room late at night, so not the best ones, the contrast isn't as high as you see in some of these pics, but you get the gist! :))

I LOVE using modelling paste through the stencils and get beautiful textures :)

If you want to win 1 set of the pocket stencils, make sure to leave a comment below and tell me which set speaks to you (which one you'd like to win) and why! :) And thank you, as always, for visiting my blog and cheering me on, you kind person you. I rather heart you. :) <3
Want to see what the other artists did with the stencils? Go visit their blogs, some of their give aways might still be open. You can enter their give aways too ->
May 31st – Lisa Cousineau www.artistcellar.com/wp
June 1st – Belinda Spiwak http://alteredbelly.blogspot.com/
June 2nd – Amy O’Toole www.skyeandstonedreams.com/blog/
June 3rd – Lea Cioci http://leacioci.blogspot.com/
June 4th – Lynn Krawczyk http://smudgedtextilesstudio.com/blog/
June 5th – Effy Wild http://effywild.com/
June 6th -Tamara Laporte http://www.willowing.org/blog/
Tam x
wowzers Tam this is very AMAZING .your girl makes me feel so relaxed.! the colours are beautiful.!!
ReplyDeleteWell I LOVE all of the pocket stencils but my fav is Creative words because as a newbie to Art the words ring true to me..
Hugs xo
This is so beautiful I just love your chakra girl. I would have to say the chakra stencils stand out to me the most. A couple of years ago I was learning about meditation with chakras. I have stopped doing this practice and know I need to find time to start back up, because it calmed me down so much. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful art.
ReplyDeleteHow cute are these...would be prefect for the 3 x 5 gelli....tfc
ReplyDeleteShe's adorable! :)
ReplyDeleteI think the chakras ones are amazing. They offer so much potential to play in creating a focus or using them for backgrounds.
These pocket stencils are so cool. Perfect for working in small areas or carrying to use on the go. The Chakra set does speak to me the most--the patterns are timeless.
ReplyDeleteI love the Chakra set, I am learning about Chakras and would love these to use in my artwork. I love how them look with the modelling paste.
ReplyDeleteI love your girl and the pocket stencils! I too am learning about chakras. I love the Chakra set the most.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteCreate words and virtue words are my favorite, just love words, don't know why! Lissag123@verizon.net
ReplyDeleteI love the Chakra stencils! They are my favorite because they are so unique and different. I would use them to create backgrounds, decorate clothing, and so much more! I also love the word stencils because I hate my handwriting. Tam this is a great art piece! Thanks for hosting another awesome giveaway!
ReplyDeleteLindsey Piereder lindseypiereder@yahoo.com
Beautiful Chakra girl, thanks for sharing! My personal faves are the Chakra stencils. What a lovely reminder to use in my journals ~ I so often get impatient and forget to stop and think and pay attention, and then forget that I can keep myself open and clear :)
ReplyDeleteWow, I love this! Also thank you so much for the chance to win the stencils! I would love to win all of them, but my favourites are probably the chakra ones :)