“Artists, at the heart of it, are trying to communicate. Be it a piece of their story, beauty, sadness or a piece of their soul: They are trying to tell the stories of who they are, who we all are and what it means to be human and alive in this world of ours.” – Tamara Laporte

“Ever After” is a mixed media art & style development course with a fairytale theme hosted by Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts. Tam is joined by 12 popular mixed media art teachers who will all share beautiful fairy-tale inspired lessons with you AND, in Module 2 they will also divulge all their hints and tips on how they developed their own style and how YOU TOO can find your own unique voice as an artist! :) Yay!
Registration is now Closed
But we are running this course again in July of 2017!
Watch this promotional video for information
about Ever After 2016 and for a dose of MAGIC! :)
Module 2 is a segment that focuses on style development. Many artists and students who’ve been on my courses over the years have struggled with developing their own style. There aren’t really any courses out there that dedicate themselves to this element of what it means to be an artist, yet, it’s one of the most frequently asked questions I get! So I felt called to finally create something! Yay!
Module 2 is suitable for anyone interested in style development even if you are a beginning artist with an interest in this area you can join this segment, however, module 2 is more geared towards artists/ students who already feel quite confident when it comes to making art and mixed media techniques but are feeling stuck when it comes to developing their own style and creating with their own voice. It’s for those people who really want to dig into telling their own true unique story through their art. Module 2 can only be taken with Module 1. M2 can not be purchased on its own. The lessons in module 1 will be used extensively to study other people’s styles & techniques and students will use those lessons as a springboard to explore and develop their own style. Module 2 comes with an in depth style development workbook and several videos, PDFs and meditations by myself and guest artists.
Module 1.
◙ 12 in depth fairy-tale themed mixed media art lessons.
Each lesson is inspired by a fairy-tale or myth.
◙ 12 Supporting PDFs
◙ Bonus activities; we hold 1 give-away and organise a fun ATC swap
Module 1+ 2.
M1 & M2 need to be taken together as content in M1 will be referenced and studied in depth to learn about other people’s styles and in response to it; your own.
◙ All M1 content
◙ An in depth style development workbook (to be printed out by student)
◙ Video content with Tam explaining/ demonstrating how to work through the workbook
◙ Several style development assignments
◙ 11 videos of guest teachers containing information on how they developed their own style, hints & tips on style development and some might demonstrate creatively on style development.
◙ 4 Videos discussing monthly style development themes with Tamara Laporte:
- The Story of You – Deepening the connection with yourself and your story/ message through art. Discovering yourself and your unique message.
- Inspiration, how to find it and how to use it. Includes: copying vs being inspired by.
- Productivity/ pushing ourselves/ changing things up/ stepping outside of our comfort zones to help with style development
- Dealing with inner and outer critics + how to deal with distractions and pressure to conform to popular art styles.
◙ Q&A video with Tam discussing style development in depth (students can submit their questions ahead of time).
◙ Video content with: Andy Mason (NVC Trainer/ Tam’s husband) on: “How to Discover your True North”
◙ 5 Guided visualisations/ meditations by Tam: Grounding Into You/ Opening to Inspiration/ Deepening Self Confidence & Strength & Esteem/ Working Through Creative Block/ Transforming limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs
◙ 3 Bonus Videos on style development by Flora Bowley (she is part of Module 2 only)
◙ Video content with: Andy Mason (NVC Trainer/ Tam’s husband) on: “How to Discover your True North”
◙ 5 Guided visualisations/ meditations by Tam: Grounding Into You/ Opening to Inspiration/ Deepening Self Confidence & Strength & Esteem/ Working Through Creative Block/ Transforming limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs
◙ 3 Bonus Videos on style development by Flora Bowley (she is part of Module 2 only)
Download the Ever After Class Schedule below:
What people have said about Tam’s other courses:
* Kim DuPree says: “I have grown so much and learned so much about how my different art materials work. I’ve struggled and been astounded at things I’ve created. I’ve been blown away by some of my fellow classmates’ work, and I am determined not to compare my near-beginning to someone else’s middle! I’ve learned how to fix things if I mess up and I’m more confident in my work. And I had fun! I think you undervalue the course – it is worth far more than we pay for it. But I understand you want to keep it affordable for a larger number of people. And Tam, I love love love the little dance you do at the beginning of your videos! It makes me so happy. – Life Book is an amazing mixed media journey with a great variety of teachers, where you have a lesson each week and you learn more than you ever thought possible. It’s an amazing value for what you receive. You MUST do it!”
* Jenny Skinner says: “WONDERFUL, DIVERSE, INSPIRATIONAL, SUPPORTIVE, CREATIVE, PROFESSIONAL….. You will never regret the cost of the course!”
* Fiona Jackson says: “I just love waking up on a Monday morning and then sitting at my PC going through my emails, waiting for the week’s lesson to come up. Of course, I love watching the lessons, and doing the work as well. Life Book is a unique experience. When I started I was really new to so much in the world of mixed media, but I have learnt so much and feel much more confident about sharing my work because of it. I’d highly recommend this course to anyone, however long they’ve been painting and journalling. Every week you have a whole new experience to dive into – I don’t want the year to ever end!”
* Michele M. Quam says: “Overall… this is one of the best classes I’ve ever taken on line… Every week is a new adventure, a surprise waiting to be unveiled… There are so many ways to interpret each lesson, I always get something new even if the teacher has taught before…I love that I can work at my own pace, that if it connects I can go my own direction… I love that if I’m not as interested in a specific lesson there is always something I get from it… I love that if I have a busy week, I can save the lesson for a later date…”
- Download all class materials to your machine, keep them forever
- Learn many new mixed media techniques
- Create beautiful paintings inspired by fairy-tales and myths
- Deepen your understanding of and learn more about the history & symbolism of fairy-tales and myths.
- If you take M2; you will learn a vast amount on how to develop your own style and how to find your true unique voice/ how to tell your unique story.
- Work from the comfort of your own home
- Access to your own private class room
- Access to a private (secret) Facebook Group
- Connect with like-minded creative people
- Make new creative connections
- Become part of a buzzing/ thriving art community for a whole year!
+ Visionary Artist and Teacher Flora Bowley, will be contributing to Module 2 with some of her currently existing Studio Diary Videos on style development.
Download this document to read all about them and to see some of their amazing art!
- You will need a highspeed internet connection to be able to download and the videos. If you have a slower connection you can stream the videos online and/ or learn through the PDFs, but the best option is to have a highspeed internet connection.
- It will be helpful to have a basic understanding of IT, like reading emails, navigating sites like Facebook and flickr etc. If you’re having trouble with some IT related stuff some help can be given, but in depth IT guidance cannot be given.
- If you are planning on downloading and keeping the videos you will need to make sure you have approx 30-40GBs of data space available (if you are low on space on your computer we recommend you buy a separate external harddrive to which you can download all the lessons). Unfortunately I am unable to offer the entire class on DVD/ CD.
- Be aware that you will have access to the Ever After content until the end of 31st March 2017, so make sure you download what you want throughout the year, DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE, because the content will really disappear after 31st March 2017.
- You will need a printer at home or be able to go to an external printer place to print out the workbook if you are taking Module 2.

Download the suggest basic supply list here.
- You want to spend 4 months creating beautiful fairy-tale/ myth inspired mixed media paintings
- You’d like to learn more about style development and developing your unique voice, telling your story through your art
- You enjoy drawing, painting and mixed media art
- You enjoy stories and their deeper meaning + symbolism
- Like learning more about drawing figures & faces
- You want to connect with a like-minded artsy/ creative group of people
- Like working in a kind, non-judgemental environment
- You enjoy working from the comfort of your own home
- If you do not enjoy exploring fairy-tales and myths.
- If you are hoping that each lesson will present a completely new technique and that no technique is ever repeated. Each lesson is fresh and newly created by each teacher, BUT we all work in the same field, so we will likely overlap with some techniques here and there. That doesn’t mean you don’t learn anything new because we all do something different with each technique, each teacher has their own unique style and creates amazing work, just be aware that some techniques may overlap.
- If you don’t like drawing faces & figures. The course is mostly figurative. We will be drawing quite extensively with a focus on faces and figures. Previous drawing experience is great and helpful but not needed.
- Module 2 is not for you if you’re not interested in exploring/ developing your own style and own voice.
Terms & Policies
* All other currency listings are approximate and depend entirely on the daily exchange rate – check www.xe.com for currency conversions).
* Refund Policy: Before the start of the course you can request a refund for the full course fee up to 60 days after the date of purchase (paypal does not issue refunds after 60 days). No refund can be given after the course has started.
* Other payment forms: If you can’t pay via paypal and want to make a bank transfer please email us on: willowing.arts [AT] gmail.com
* When you buy any of Willowing Arts LTD products you agree to their Terms & Conditions which can be read here.