Friday 30 September 2011

Last 3 Life Book Teachers!

Oh you guys!!

Chaos has ensued and I have been much too caught up with programs crashing on me and trying to get stuff organised before the weekend, so sadly I won't be able to introduce you to the last 3 LB teachers in depth, BUT, I will quickly list them here with piccies for you to see and links to their blogs because they too are doing give aways! (Andy is away this weekend, so I have Dylan all by myself and won't be able to do much on computer).

ALSO, there is a change to the date of registration! Instead of opening the doors to Life Book on Monday, we start opening our doors (with welcoming muffins inside) TOMORROW ALREADY! Woop woop! So keep an eye out tomorrow. I'll be announcing it everywhere I can! :)

So, the last 3 beautifuls who'll be joining me/ us on this Life Book Journey, are:

Samantha Kira (journalgirl)

Give Away will be held here:
*give away will be up later today - keep checking back*

Jane Davenport (artomologist)

Mystele (allround wonderful person)
Give Away location:
*sorry, I thought Mystele's give away was up already, but I think she scheduled it for Sunday!*

Have a lovely weekend all!! :D 

Hugga hugga!!! 

Tam x 


  1. The linkies aren't working, Tam...
    Sorry to add more to your plate this weekend ;)

  2. THe only link not working for me is Jane Davenport, says not found. However Samantha Kira I cannot find a mention of life book class, and on Mystele says to stay tuned and both posted blog posts today? scratches head confused .... :)

  3. @cynthea & cameron: sorry guys, the links weren't working and 2 of the give aways are actually scheduled for: (1 later today and mystele's for sunday) - jane's link is working now though! x

  4. Um..have all the giveaways passed?

  5. All the links worked @ 11:41 pm central standard time. :D Thanx for posting them Tam. Peace

  6. i did not see who won the prizes?


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