Let me show you.
Here is me making love eyes at you. You're welcome. :)

Compassion gives wings (successful detail from a 'failed' journal page).

Zombie babies trying to eat my ear while I'm trying to 'get stuff done'.

Made of rainbows.

He's asleep here, but last night he was up every half an hour
after having had his vaccinations earlier that day. So I play:
I thought this was a pretty fly way of drawing MC Hammer (Hammer Time is one of my favourite songs of all time Oh my lawd :0)) - though Andy did not agree.
Darcy, who is an awesome opponent, DID guess it was him though!
Andy beautiful husband bought me beautiful roses. :)
Dylan eats his {pretty much} first ever icecream.
Creative block. That big flower's stalk is all wrong.
What are those bulbous things in the sky? And the white vines?
Where is this painting going? Arrrgh. More on this later.
Once she is {finally} done, I shall have a parteh.
Reading: 'Let's Pretend this Never Happened' - Jenny Lawson (best book EVER)
Feeling: Frazzled, expressive.
Hearing: Elliot complaining, Andy soothing him - Music: Iron & Wine
Needing: Still a long overdue holiday in the sun by a pool with no one bothering me
Been moved this week by: The Time Flies Baby and Everything Else Blues
Tasting: Andy's home-made rye bread - heavenly
Seeing: My art on video for the next Life Book lesson
Loving: My heart-shaped sunglasses, Dylanisms*, Elliot's smiles, Andy's compassion
* Dylanisms (now that he's talking more and more, I'll be sharing some of the hilarious things he says, should be fun for all.
This month's Dylanisms:
- While naked and not wearing any trousers, Dylan was perturbed by the fact that he did not have a pocket 'in his leg' to put his pebble in so he says: "Dylan have pocket?"
- Dylan wants to go outside and asks this as follows: "Dylan go look in the wind?"
- Dylan is playing on the iPad. He then sees me on my iPhone (yeah, we're an Apple family ..). He goes: "Dylan have mummy's phone?" I give him my phone and take the iPad. He goes: "Where's the ipad?" I say: "Look Dylan which one do you want, the phone or the iPad? You can't have both". He says; "Both".
- When asked what his favourite colour is, Dylan says: "Yellow CAKE"
- Dylan and I are sitting on the bed. Andy comes in and says to me: I'll just go get the iPad. Dylan looks at me and says: "Daddy's gone to get Dylan's iPad".
- When Dylan is asked to count to 30, he goes: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 20TEN!"