"Friends Come in all Shapes and Sizes"
Available as a fine art print - 12 x 8" - Giclee
In Tam news. :-)
It's been busy. The digital course is in its 2nd week and going well! I'm LOVING what the students are doing and it's enjoyable for me to run a course that isn't mixed media for a change. It's very different, and I am learning a lot too. Everyone knows something different about photoshop and we're all sharing tips and tricks! So cool! :)
I'm also in the early stages of preparing my new YEAR LONG course which will start on 1st of January 2012 which I am SO excited about. The course is called: 'Life Book - an honouring and celebrating of YOU'. The idea is that students make 1 or more pages each month which they will compile in to a life book at the end of the year. It will be a glorious book that celebrates and honours everything about them. There will be one mixed media lesson by me each month PLUS 1 lesson by a guest teacher and prompts and other exercises each alternate week! It's going to be huge, fun, amazing and awesome! :)
In the mean time I'm also still pregnant! I'm now 21 weeks, a little beyond half way through and I'm struggling with my health a bit. I keep getting RA flare ups (much more than with Dylan) and I also keep catching colds and stuff. It makes me very tired and headachey. It makes things a bit harder as I need a lot of sleep and generally find it harder to remain motivated and concentrated. Anyhoo!
Dylan went through another week of being extra hard to deal with (just generally not happy, very needy and whiny), but in the last couple of days he's been his happy cheery self again.
Here is a funny vid of us. We can see ourselves in this video hence they are so funny!
Now, onto something else. I've been thinking about 'making it big' in the art industry, and one thing that is always advised and stipulated is that to get really established as an artist you need to have a strong clear art style and stick to it. So that your work is recognisable to people.
My problem with that is: doesn't it get a big boring? I enjoy doing whimsy girls one day, and then the next day I want to do more grunge realistic stuff. I find it boring to just choose a girl and draw her in a million different positions, which seems to be what some of the more established artists are doing.
My question to you, dear reader is, do you think my style(s) is recognisable no matter what style I use, ha ha. I mean, look, here is a range of my styles that I consider different from each other:

Whimsy / Stylised Portraits

grunge - collage paint soul / digital work whimsy
And then I do illustration too, like:

So, as you can see, it's quite varied. Yet, can you recognise all of them to be me?
And if not, which of these styles do you think I "should" pursue? (I'm still not sure I really want to only do one, but hey).
Thanks for reading and commenting! x Oh! also, I don't always comment back on my blogger account because I don't have a guarantee the recipient reads them (you don't get notified unless you ticked the email me option), so please know that though I don't always comment, I DO read and appreciate deeply all your comments! ooox
PS. Muffinballs is my favourite new word
And if not, which of these styles do you think I "should" pursue? (I'm still not sure I really want to only do one, but hey).
Thanks for reading and commenting! x Oh! also, I don't always comment back on my blogger account because I don't have a guarantee the recipient reads them (you don't get notified unless you ticked the email me option), so please know that though I don't always comment, I DO read and appreciate deeply all your comments! ooox
PS. Muffinballs is my favourite new word