Can you believe that the day we are leaving to spend 4 days with Andy's family I am developing a major fever, cold and achyness? I feel achy all over, hot and cold and stomach probs too. Eugh! It seems that when you prepare to relax, your body sort of goes: aaah finally, like it lets its guard down and kablam illness hits you. Oh well, we're going anyway, but I probably need a lot of tlc, tea, warm baths and chocolate cake. Ehehe.
Anyway, I wanted to wish everyone very happy holidays and a spectacular new year! :-)
I am planning to really savour my time with family and friends in the next couple of days. I hope, whatever you are doing, it's something you look forward to and will enjoy.
Here is another fun pic of me, Dylbee and Andy! :)
Today started with me being vomited upon about 5 times and ended with a lovely quiet dinner with the most amazing man in the world (dinner was: salad with avocado, carrots, red onion, smoked salmon and baby potatoes). In between the morning and the evening, more vomiting happened, but also; cooing, hugging, dancing, laughing, being silly, kindness from people, support from Andy, paint everywhere on my hands, fingers, clothes, carpet and chair. There was gold leaf, shimmery fabric, paint water accidental spills and warm heaters blasting warm air. I drank yummy grape juice, worried about Dylan, felt confused and annoyed with the post office and then happy hearing from a happy customer. Neck ache and fatigue, compassion and empathy. Giggles and teasing, pink vests, white headphones and finally space again on my iPhone.
Very moved by something my brother sent, touched by my mother and father and their love. Thinking about pregnant friends, secretly hoping to be pregnant again. Little Dylan arms reaching out to me, breastfeeding, breastfeeding, breastfeeding. Playing peggle, losing. Playing peggle, winning. Talking, connecting, feeling deeply and then not deeply enough. Emailing. Emailing. Re-watching Alias - loving (and missing) Marshall Flinkman. Not drinking enough water, drinking too much diet coke. Struggling with food intake. Mesmerised by Dylan asleep, rosy cheeks, button nose. Thirsty.
I visited Kelly Rae's blog earlier today and came across this paragraph which a friend of hers wrote about parenting:
Have unrelenting acceptance for that which is unrelenting
In a hard moment that first week with True, Kelly looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “It just feels so unrelenting.” I didn’t say it out loud then but in my head I thought, “And that is parenting in a nutshell.” It is the first shock of parenthood…that the baby is there ALL the time, that children need ALL the time, and that you are never at any moment not a parent. It is unrelenting. That is exactly why it is so critical to bring your spirituality into, rather than separate it from, your life as a mother. Because your spiritual needs are also unrelenting. They will not go away just because you are now more distracted than ever. In fact, those needs will make A LOT of noise if left unattended and spiritual needs left unattended leave an easier entryway for depression, apathy, anxiety.
It really resonated with how Andy and I are experiencing being parents. It's so amazing in so many ways and so unrelenting is other ways. I keep saying: being a parent is THE perfect spiritual practise. It is a practise in patience, mindfulness and acceptance of here now. Your child is your greatest spiritual teacher. :)
And it's about communicating, with your partner, with your child and with yourself. It's about deeply connecting to what is now, what is alive, what is present. It requires an opening of the soul in ways not done before.
It's about time I did another blog update. Gone are the days of updating 4 times a day! My life, well, it's rather full and busy as will have been obvious. :-) I miss it here though so here I am with a bit o' bloggie. Eh eh. I shan't be long.
Ok, new art! I'm LOOOOVING working digitally! Wacom tablet + photoshop = LOVE. :)
Looksie what I mades over the last month:
This is a whimsy digital version of my babe Dylan. Ha ha. I think it's quite a good likeness! I also got it printed out on canvas and it looks amazing! Canvas prints will soon be available in my shop too! :)
I am working on a series of prints for newborns, babies and children! Above is an example of a print that can be given to a family with a newborn! :) Working on the boy version now. (BTW I know that 'length' is spelled wrong! :))
This one I just liked doing. :) I've been told it looks like her head is floating. I will work on that. :) I really like how I did the rose.
I also did the little kitty and me. So fun!
I also created my Christmas Cards digitally this year! This is my favourite one out of all 5 of them. If you want to buy some, you can buy them here.
Man, I did so much without posting! This post is going to be loooong. Eheheh!
Now for non-digital stuff:
I made this angel in week for of my Art, Heart and Healing course. I love it so much! :) (The course can, btw, still be joined, it's free! Go HERE to join).
The creation of this one was documented in my latest youtube video! Watch it here:
One more: a new journal entry that I like.
Alrighty - are you bored yet? ;)
Ok, life!
Lookit, it's us three all pretty surrounded by sparklies. Merry Christmas!
We had snow and put Dylbee in a sledge!
He also now loves to climb on things, mostly on chairs! He grabs anything and everything on high counters (eeep, really must put away all the knives!). He says 'oof' when he sees doggies (which is so insanely cute) and he makes HUGE messes -> see the proof:
and here he is king of the chair! hee hee:
and this was taken 2 or 3 days ago:
(15.5 months old)
It's a daily adventure to be with him. Difficult, fun, adventurous, wondrous, annoying, lovely, stressful, amazing, life altering. Andy and I are awed on a daily basis by what changes he goes through and what he understands and how quickly he learns. He's picking up sign language like crazy! He knows the signs for: dog, cat, cow, sheep, pig, rat, butterfly, lion and elephant. He also understands the signs for food, drink, more and finished. It's totally amazing to see what a little toddler is capable of understanding! He is amazing.
So, what else?
Well, I'm working hard on preparations for my new online course which starts in January 2011! And I'm also really looking forward to taking a break at Christmas time. We'll be spending it with Andy's family up in Lincoln. We were initially going to go to Holland for the new year but have had to postpone that, so will be in Brighton for the new year.
Oh, is anyone watching 'misfits' in the UK? (some of my US-ie friends might watch it too but it's BBC I think). I find the Irish guy hilarious!
Anyhoo, I think that is it for now! This is more of a photo post, but they describe quite well what's been happening with me!
I hope everyone is well. Thank you for reading. What will you be doing for Christmas? Leave me a message if you like, I appreciate it!
Magical Mythical Makings Now Open for Registration!
Learn to make beautiful mythical beings in mixed media paintings!
We'll be making Goddesses, Angels, Fairies, Mermaids and Unicorns! The course will cover the basics on a front facing and 3 quarter portrait but we'll also do full bodied figures. Additionally we'll let some of the old masters inspire us and we're going to explore the different kinds of surfaces we can work on.
This is a very comprehensive, in depth mixed media art course in which you'll also keep a practise journal for which you'll receive weekly assignments.
Who is it for: Beginners & Intermediates interested in learning to create mythical creatures and mixed media techniques.
Course Duration: 17th January 2011 - 21st February 2011 (with 1 break: 7th Feb)
Course Fee: £42 GBP (approx $65 USD)
How does it work: Once you send through payment, you will be sent an invite to a private group on my ning site (please allow about 24 hours to be given access). In this group, I will post videos & PDFs on a weekly basis which you will be able to download to your machine and can keep forever! In the group you will be able to communicate with other students on the course, post your work, ask questions, be interactive and get feedback/ guidance from me (Tam - willowing). Teaching will happen in a safe, nurturing environment. Students often make friends for life! :-)
For more information, please watch this promo video: