Dearest most beloved creative friends and community! :) I have a BIG, IMPORTANT, JUICY new project I want to share with you guys and I hope hope HOPE you'll support it with all your might! :D I need you dear friend, AND I have gifts to give you if you'll help me pleasie! I know you'd help me without the need to receive gifts, but I feel so much gratitude to those who'll support this project that I've prepared some gifties too, just because, just because I love you and care and am hopeful that we can do this thing together. You excited yet? :) You're probably wondering: Tam, dude, what are you ON about?! ;)
Well let me explain! :D
As a humanist and humanistic company, we donate to charity all the time (friends of the earth, chestnut tree house, kiva, amnesty etc), and we do so with love and joy. I am often really weighed down by the suffering in the world (as I know many of you out there are too), so much so that I have to stop watching the news. I feel helpless, sad, despair and can sometimes end up a big black hole of depression just thinking about all the suffering in the world. So I was thinking: what can I do?! Shall I just sit here in my black hole effectively adding to the suffering and misery in the world? Or shall I go out there and bring more joy and light? What little bit can I do to make a difference? Yeah, I opted for the latter, I was going to do something awesome! :) But instead of giving money and letting charities 'do the work', I felt called to do something more pro-active! Instead of donating money to a charity directly, I wanted to create something specifically to make the world a better place. I want to create a project for the purpose of directly helping people; to bring more joy & healing to the world. :) Yayyyyyy!!
So when I found out that anyone could start their own Water Campaign at 'Charity Water' I felt excited to start my own campaign! Some people run marathons or give up their birthdays others shave their beards or whatever and ask people to donate to their own personal campaign! So I started thinking about what I could do for my/our campaign.
My awesome colleague and friend Gracie was excited too and we decided to record a song together (she's an AMAZING singer). We also wanted to do an uplifting music video for it and make both the mp3 & video available to download for free to anyone who donates to the water campaign, YAY! Watch the video here:
To top it off I also wanted to offer a free mixed media art lessons as a thank you to those who donated. So here we have it: The Rainbow Mermaid Art Class is my thank you to you for donating! :) Isn't this exciting and awesome? You'll learn how to make this beauty if you contribute to the water campaign:

And let me tell you something, when I first thought about helping to bring clean and safe drinking water to the people who need it, I had NO CLUE that having clean drinking water readily available had such an impact on these people's lives. At first I thought: oh, great, they're gonna be able to have nice drinking water and cook their food and not get illnesses and that's it, but naha: this impacts so much more -> their EDUCATION, SAFETY, HEALTH, LIVELIHOODS and so much more. I also didn't know that diseases from unsafe drinking water KILL MORE PEOPLE EVERY YEAR THAN ALL FORMS OF VIOLENCE, INCLUDING WAR. WOW!! And this mostly effects women and children. :(

I feel so excited that by raising money for this charity, we can make a huge difference to some people's lives guys!!!! I'm so happy that we CAN make a difference, that it isn't all doom and gloom and bleak (which is often what I tell myself when I sit in my dark hole of depression!).
Here is a great little info-video on how the water crisis effects a family effected by it:
So, do you too want to bring more light into the world and help make the world a better place with me? Shall we do this together? :D Yes?!
Then please come and donate some money to my water campaign by clicking here. You can donate any amount though I suggest something around the $10 - $25 mark if you can (or more if you can of course, eternally grateful!!) as the value of the lesson is currently around $29 USD, but let me stipulate that any contribution is valued and appreciated ($1 - $5 - $8 - $300)!! :D Apparently $20 USD can provide clean water for one person! And just so you know; every cent/ penny of the money you contribute goes to the water projects themselves as the charity is supported by donations from individuals. I also am not getting any of the money you donate, 100% goes to the project (it's not possible currently to sign up to the Rainbow Mermaid without donating to the charity FYI). We will also be given updates on how our project is doing! :D So I'll keep you guys up to date with that too.
(Once you have donated, please email us your donation receipt or simply email us to let us know you've donated on this email address: waterartsoul AT gmail.com and we will send you information and passwords to the lessons and the music :)) - if you have any questions about the project please email us on: willowing.arts AT gmail.com.
So, shall we make this happen yes? ->

And this?! ---->

Please help us by donating here, you rock!
You would also do me a huge favour and I'll LOVE YOU FOREVER, if you'd mention my campaign on your own (social) media sites. You can use this image if you want:
and link it to this url: http://bit.ly/rainbowmermaid
or here are some smaller blog buttons you can use to share this awesome project, thank you so much dear awesome one for sharing!!! ->