How can one be crabby with a smoochieridiculouslycute face like that? He's all like: "I'm cute no? Stop whining about the fact that I keep waking you up 10 times each night!" *sighs* I keep teetering on the edge of: "ok - it's so totally time for sleep training", but then I realise that the 3 - 10 nights of sleep training are likely going to be more sleep depriving and emotionally traumatising and then I think: "aw, maybe he'll just miraculously learn to sleep through." Yes, denial, I haz it.
Anyway, I will sort out his sleep, I will! See that pretty teething necklace around his neck? I had it especially shipped from Lithuania so that he would have genuine Baltic amber gracing his neck, soothing his teethies (he now has his upper teeth coming through as well!). And because I liked the look of the amber necklaces, I bought myself one too, haven't worn a necklace in forevar:

But I shall stop talking about amber necklaces and sleep deprivation.
Let me give you an art bomb. ;)
I'm feverlishly (I know it's feverishly, but I really like how that extra 'l' sounds in there) working on my final Life Book 2012 lessons, and so have ended up with quite a bit of new art! I've also done a new art video of the creation of my little Bee Girl see below and managed to finish another piece of mine (which was sold before it was finished, am I BLESSED OR BLESSED? - Thank you Jenni!)
See, the crabby just does not fit all the good stuff that is my life: I am selling paintings, people join my courses, I have 2 hilarious little boys, a husband to die for, the sky is blue blue blue and music, exists. :0) Also; the internet, avocados, books, incense, flowers, rain and snow, beautiful words like 'delicious' and on and on the blessings go. And lately, my husband and I have this luxurious 1st world problem which leaves us trying to decide if we move, where we move and if we rent or buy.
I am blessed, yes I am. I know and am grateful and wish the same for everyone.
Here's la new artz:

I call it "The Morning Star" - original sold - prints will be up in the etsy shop soon-ish. :) Here are some close ups:

It's got amazing texture this one. :)
This is 'Bee Girl' :)

And here is 'the making of':
These pages were made for my Life Book lessons, the first is a fabric/ paper/ stitch collage page. I love love love it so much! I confess to being a closet fabric lover and just drool over works by people like DJ Pettitt and really wanted to do something like her stuff and came up with this (note, the first image was scanned, the rest photographed, hence the difference in colour/ lighting):

And this is a new whimsical page, also done for a Life Book lesson:

Sooo that is all the new art for now. The very exciting thing is that I'm on the verge of binding all of my Life Book pages into a book. A Life Book! It's what the whole course it's been about, to create all these pages and then end up with this awesome beautiful book having chronicled much of your year before in the form of art and writing etc. I'm so excited (AND NERVOUS) to actually be creating the book - finally! :D
Of course, I will post the book once it's done! :D
In other news, let's bullet point:
- Dylan has started pre-school! Aw. He's only going 3 mornings a week and he's liking it so far, but it still feels weird. He's growing up. So noticeable to passing of time. I think seeing your children grow up and older makes you more painfully aware of time. It does me.
Here he is, first day of pre-school:
- Elliot is almost 10 months old and took his first steps yesterday! At 9 months and 3 weeks he's started to walk. Man, that. is. early.
- I'm excited and nervous about going to the 'call of the wild soul' retreat. I have much to prepare for it and will be meeting lovely people who I've known online for a while but not met in real life and I always worry that people think "I disappoint" in real life. LOL. I know that is the inner critic running rampant, but a room full of people who might suddenly judge me or at least compare me to what they see online makes me feel just a tad shifty! ;) I'll get over it.
- What else? Just life, it's messy and beautiful and crazy and sleep depriving and I'll get through this bit. Very soon I'm actually going to start this sleep training malarkey, I will truly! ;) Here follow some more pics of the last couple of days/ weeks not sure if it's months:

Hope you're ok after that photo assault! ;P I just don't get much time to actually post blogs so when I do, it's total overload! ;)
Over and out groovy art gang. Peace & Namaste.