Willowing.ning.com has recently surpassed the 5000 members mark which I think is a BIG REASON to be happy!! :D And because I'm happy and want to celebrate this momentous occasion with you, I am doing a BIG MASSIVE GIVE AWAY! :D Woop woop!
Sarahjayne was member 5000 and has already won the equivalent of prize number 1! Woohoo! Congratulations Sarahjayne!
What can you win?
Prize 1: Free access to 4 self study groups + 1 place on Life Book - worth $298.00
Prize 2: Free access to 3 self study groups + 1 place on Life Book - worth $252.00
Prize 3: Free access to 2 self study groups + 1 place on Life Book - worth $195.00
Prize 4: Free access to 2 self study groups - worth $96.00
Prize 5: Free access to 1 self study group - worth $56.00
Prize 6: 1 fine art print of choice - worth $25.00
Prize 7: 1 pack of postcards with Tam art - worth $16.00
How can you enter?
1. Put the willowing.ning.com button in your blog sidebar. Simply copy and paste this code in the appropriate html box.

2. If you don't know how to add a code to your side bar, write a little blog post about willowing.ning.com - mention the give away or anything else about the site! :)
3. If you don't have a blog, mention this give away or this site on your facebook or twitter.
4. Lastly, leave a comment on this post or in the discussion forum on my ning site: http://willowing.ning.com/forum/topics/the-big-massive-give-away-is-h
I will announce the winners on Monday 8th August - so the give away will be open for a while! :)
Good luck to all who enter and a big THANK YOU to all of my ning members, I appreciate and value you all! :D
Big hugs!
Tam xoxo