Awesome Art Journal Workshop
Art Journals are magical places where all judgements fall away! Your Art Journal is a place where you can create without inhibitions or fear of 'doing it wrong'. Art Journals are not for making 'perfect' art (what is that anyway?), they are for soul expression, a space for you to be, to express, create, to heal, to laugh, to cry!
This course will do just that; help you express your soul in creative, expressive and outrageous ways! For more detailed information about the course, pls download the course outline and material list HERE.
How to sign up and what happens:
1. Pay your course fee ($65) by clicking on the 'buy now' button - but make sure to write in the email address you want to sign up with (or have already signed up to the network with):
Or by sending $65,- to my paypal account: tamara[dot]laporte[at]gmail[dot]com, making sure to let me know in the comment section which email you'd like to sign up with!
Pls note: if you don't have a paypal account but you do have standard credit cards like mastecard/ visa card/ swift etc, you can still pay via paypal as a guest, you too should click on the 'buy now' button.
If you don't want/ can't pay via paypal and don't have any major creditcards, pls private msg me so we can work something out!
2. I will send you 2 emails, one is an invitation to the workshop, the second is an email with a welcome pack pdf.
3. You need to accept my invitation to the group (follow the links in the email and make sure to click the YELLOW JOIN NOW button at the group page).
4. Voila! You are a member!
If things are confusing and you can't figure things out, pls email me on tam[at]willowing[dot]org. Or check out the FAQ page over here: FAQ
Workshop 2 - Awesome Art Journal
This course will run for 5 weeks with a full length video (approx 1hour) & pdf file per week!
Course skill level: beginner & intermediate
Course fee:$65
Course outline

**pls note that course themes or techniques could be slightly adjusted throughout the course, the above is a guideline only.
Videos can be downloaded throughout the 5 weeks, don't worry if you're not available on Monday's; all videos remain online for the duration of the course and some time thereafter.
Your pdfs will contain technical guidance on the techniques that have been covered in the videos.
This course will not focus on learning 'how to draw', although I am likely to cover a few basics of drawing as well. I will cover 2 art journal techniques per week (approx 10 in total), instead of covering a healing theme separately, it will be woven into the creation process.
Note: once you have paid and signed up for the course, you will be
sent an welcome pack which lists materials and other details of the course.